Zoology glossary ~ T

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When used in a zoological context, the term tentacle refers to a slender, elongated, flexible organ that grows near the mouth of an animal. Tentacles are most common in invertebrates, although they are present in some vertebrates as well. Tentacles serve a variety of functions and can can help the animal to move, feed, grasp objects, and gather sensory information.

"Ecological zone south of the tundra and north of the temperate zone, dominated by conifer trees and harsh winters."

Tail Slapping
Dolphins can be seen slapping their tails forcibly on the surface of the water.

"The lower leg. The major bone in this region of the leg is the tarsometatarsus, which is a fusion of structures called ankle and foot bones in mammals. The avian equivalent of the mammalian lower leg bones (the tibia and fibula) is found in the 'drumstick' or what appears to be the upper leg in most birds."

"A unit used in grouping and naming living organisms; a general term that can refer to any level of a taxonomic classification."

Taxonomic Classification
"Hierarchical system for grouping and naming types of living organisms."

The classification of organisms on the basis of their evolutionary relationships.

A particular area defended by an individual against intrusion by other individuals, particularly of the same species.

In mammals, the part of the trunk anterior to the diaphragm, which partitions it from the abdomen. In insects, the body region between the head and the abdomen, bearing the walking legs and wings.

Threatened Species
A threatened species is a native species that is at risk of becoming endangered in the near future.

Tonian Period
Tonian Period

A twisting process that gastropods undergo during their development in which the position of their visceral and pallial organs are repositioned by 180°. The resulting arrangement of body parts in the gastropod is therefore assymmetrical.

In vertebrates, the part of the respiratory system running from the pharynx into the thorax; the 'windpipe'. In land arthropods, an air duct running from an opening in the body wall to the tissues.

"A technique fdor finding a position, often of prey, by means of taking bearings from two or more fixed points. Some species (somne owls, harriers) have asymmetrical ear openings that improve triangulation using sound."

"A taxon that is a subset of a subfamily and that contains one or more genera."

"Colloquial name for members of the order Procellariiformes, which includes the albatrosses, the shearwaters and petrels, and the storm petrals." (

Covered in raised, fleshy protuberances.

Freshwater or marine chelonian.

Tympanic Membrane
A membrane of the ear that picks up vibrations from the air and transmits them to other parts of the ear; the eardrum.

Type Specimen
A single individual organism that is selected to represent the standard for a particular taxon and which serves as the standard for the original name and description of the species.


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