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Facial Shield
A hard plate on the forehead of some birds (coots, for example). It functions as a display ornament as well as enables the distinguishing between different species.
A hard plate on the forehead of some birds (coots, for example). It functions as a display ornament as well as enables the distinguishing between different species.
Fall Bloom
The rapid growth of algae in temperate lakes following the autumnal breakdown of thermal stratification and mixing of water layers.
Fall Overturn
The vertical mixing of the layers of the water in temperate lakes. This turnover occurs in autumn when temperatures start to change.
Birds that are forced during migration to land in areas they would not normally inhabit in order to avoid harsh weather.
A taxonomic group used in the classification of living things. This group ranks below an order and is subdivided into one or more genera.
A long hollow tooth found in venomous snakes. The snakes inject their venom into prey through their fangs.
The entire set of animals that live in an area or during a period of time.
The indigestible waste that an animal expells from its digestive tract.
A measure of the rate at which an individual organism reproduces.
The thigh bone in vertebrates that have four limbs or the third segment of the leg in insects.
Pertaining to an animal that comes from domesticated stock and that has subsequently taken up life in the wild.
An embryo that is in the later stages of devemlopment but is still in the egg or uterus.
Filter Feeder
An organism that filters food particles from its surrounding aqueous environment. It strains the water using sieve-like structures. Examples of filter feeders include clams and baleen whales.
The genetic contribution that an individual's descendents makes to future generations of a population.
"The development in young birds of the feathers necessary for flight."
Flight Feathers
"A young bird that ahs left the nest but is not yet completely independent of parental care."
Flight Feathers
"Collective name for the long feathers of the wings and tail."
Refers to a horse, either male or female, up to six months in age.
Food Chain
A representation of the passage of energy through populations in the community.
Food Web
A representation of the various paths of energy flow through populations in the community.
Founder Effect
The difference between the gene pool of a population as a whole and that of a newly isolated population of that species.
Fruit-eating. Relying on fruit as a sole source of food.
Functional Response
Change in the rate of exploitation of prey by an individual predator as a result of a change in prey density.
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