Subcategories of Zoology

Zoology is the study of the biology of animals. It contains a various types of subcategories...

Entomology - insects
Ethology - behaviour
Herpetology - reptiles and amphibians
Ichthyology - fish
Primatology - primates
Mammalogy - mammals
Ornithology - birds
Paleozoology - prehistoric animals
Planktology - plankton
Apiology - bees
Arachnology - arachnids
Conchology - mollusk shells
Malacology - mollusks
Ophiology - snakes
Cetology - cetaceans (whales & dolphins)
Neuroethology - nervous system
Anthrozoology - human interaction
Nematology - roundworms
Paleontology - prehistoric life
Protozoology - protozoa
Archaeozoology - archaeological animal remains
Embryology - development of fertilized eggs
Cytology - cells
Zoogeography - distrubition of animal species
Biochemistry - chemical processes in living things
Parasitology - parasites and their hosts
Pathology - pathogens and their hosts


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