Zoology glossary ~ V

Zoology Glossary Index:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

An individual bird that is observed in a region that lies outside of the range that is currently known for that species.

The flat portion of the feather made up of parallel rows of barbs that are attached to the rachis, or central shaft, of the feather.

Vena Cava
One of the two large veins that return blood to the heart from the systemic circulation of vertebrates.

Ventral Scale
Scale on the underside of a snake's body (usually broader than other scales).

Pertaining to the belly or underparts.

Along the center of the back.

A subphylum of chordates. Members of this subphylum have cartilaginous or bony vertebrae that surround a nerve cord and a skull that protects the brain.

Pertaining to the part of an animal that is in the process of being lost in the course of evolution and is small, imperfectly formed, and serves little or no function.

The internal organs, especially those of the great central body cavity.

Vocal Sac
Soft, baglike structure that inflates and acts as a resonator, amplifying the mating calls of some male frogs and toads.


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